Well, it’s officially 2025 and I wanted to take some time to talk about goal setting, setting intentions for 2025 and building a theme for your year.
I’ve always been a total nerd about goal setting. I have a planner where I choose a theme for the year, write down all of my goals for the year, and then break those goals into first half and second half of the year goals and then I break them down even further into monthly, weekly and sometimes even daily goals. Yes, big-time overachiever/nerd right here!
But honestly, I love it! It motivates and energizes me every year and I love to review my goals on a monthly, weekly, and sometimes daily basis to monitor how I’m tracking.
I think what’s so exciting about it to me is that it helps me build a vision for my future and helps me to think about all that I am capable of. It also helps me to feel empowered and inspired.
I even like to think in terms of the legacy that I will leave and it’s been incredible to see myself becoming who I wrote about years ago!
My hope is by sharing mine that I will inspire you to do the same.
My focus for 2025 is on abundance and freedom. When I think of abundance, I think of multiplication. I want to focus on multiplying my income, my assets and especially my impact. Because ultimately the income and assets only support my impact. If they didn’t help me achieve my vision for the future it wouldn’t matter as much. Money simply helps you do what you’re called to do.
My mission is to inspire others to reach their full potential! In order to do that, I need the resources to expand my impact.
Here is the legacy I hope to lead. More specifically, I’ve written myself a declaration of who I am. I hope it inspires you.
I am a game changer, a leader, a force to be reckoned with. I am a wife, a mother, a friend, an encourager and connector. I am a positive influence, a fighter, I never give up! I am changing the world by helping others to achieve their full potential, by changing the status quo, by forging new paths that didn’t exist before and by funding ministries throughout the world.
I am a trailblazer! A powerhouse!
My purpose is to model the way forward. To help fellow Powerhouse, trailblazers to refresh and regain the courage to keep going. I create space to pause, reflect, celebrate, regain strength, encourage, and then refocus on goals and dreams to create a plan of attack.
I want to be known as someone who stood up for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves. Who brought darkness into the light. Who empowered others to step into their calling. Who helped people grow and reach their full potential. Who protects, guides, loves, leads, grows and impacts. I want to be known as someone who inspires others. Who leads by example. Who builds people up. Who loves people and stands up when necessary. I want to drive good decisions and be known as someone who gets stuff done. Above all I want to be an amazing wife and mother. I want to raise healthy, godly, honorable, strong, courageous men of God who lead our world with integrity and love.
I don’t know about you but every time I read this out loud to myself it makes me want to stand like Amy Purdy in the Superwoman pose. It makes me feel like I can do anything.
What about you? The sky is the limit! Who are you becoming? What is your legacy? How will you lead with purpose and impact your family, your community, and our world?
You already have everything you need! Go get it!
Consider me your personal coach, cheerleader, and encourager.
Once you’ve written down your future vision along with your top 5 to 10 goals for 2025, then ask yourself these questions:
- Who do I need to become in order to achieve these goals?
- Who do I need to meet?
- What resources do I already have?
- How can I get access to the resources I don’t yet have?
- What is one action I can take toward my primary goal today?
- What daily habit do I need to build to have the most impact on my future?
- What do I need to let go of that is holding me back?
If I can help you with any of the above, please reach out!
Never settle!
Want to go deeper with 1:1 Support?
Let’s make 2025 YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
Allow me to guide you through the process of increasing fulfillment in all areas of your life and business to drive BIG RESULTS.
Book a one-on-one discovery session with me here now!
Bonus: Check out a recent interview I did on the Superpower Success Podcast with Jaime Taets where we discussed the importance of Modeling the Way Forward. Listen here
Here’s to never settling and building a life you love!
Christi Cossette
Founder, The Powerhouse Women Network
Transformation Coach