In honor of my 20th wedding anniversary (May 29th), I’d like to talk to you about partnership.
As women we spend so much time supporting our spouses and children and family members and friends to accomplish all their goals and dreams. Most men, especially those in high positions, typically have a spouse and/or executive assistant who do everything from buying their clothes to cooking their meals to making their coffee to scheduling their haircuts to managing their schedule…telling them where they need to show up and when.
Sidenote: one of my goals is to have a personal assistant someday soon to do all these wonderful things for me since it is such a gift and blessing! 🚀
While women are doing all of these activities to support their men and families, sometimes our dreams and goals get put on the back burner. After all, who has time to change the world when you are washing dishes, folding clothes, feeding babies, meal planning, cooking dinner, scheduling all the appointments, taking your kids to soccer practice, etc.
Having an amazing partner by your side, can mean the difference between achieving your dreams or staying stagnant. I am so blessed with an amazing man who has not only been one of the few in my life to truly love and accept me for who I am, but he has stood behind me and beside me and supported me with every goal, dream, and adventure that I have desired. He has been my biggest supporter and I can honestly say I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish even half of what I’ve done so far without him!
Today I want to both honor my husband and encourage you! Thank you to Andy, my love and partner of 20 years, for always supporting me and being so engaged with our children. He has changed just as many dirty diapers and cooked as many meals and run as many errands as I have. After a schedule mishap and teary exit on my part, he now even takes our boys to their doctor appointments! But I also want to thank him for never telling me no or saying that’s too big of a goal.
Sometimes we get asked when is enough enough? When will you ever be satisfied? And my response will always be….never! I’m always going to be pushing the envelope and challenging the status quo. My ultimate goal is to get to the end of my life and hear from my Lord Jesus “Well done my good and faithful servant.” To me that means reaching my full potential and never giving up on the visions that God gives me for my future. And I’m so blessed that my man, although more content than I will ever be, is fully on board to walk beside me, to pick me up when I fall and to encourage me to keep going when I have setbacks. He is an amazing partner!
Happy 20th anniversary babe! Lucky me! 20 years married to my best friend and love of my life! Thank you for always loving me, accepting me for who I truly am instead of trying to change me, and always supporting me on my never ending path of personal growth. We will change the world together. I love you so much! Here’s to a lifetime of love, friendship, joy, partnership and adventure! 🔥 🚀❤️
I truly hope and pray that each of you have a partner as amazing as I do. For any guys reading this, I hope that you will take the time to honor and appreciate the women in your life who stand by you and help you achieve everything that you have accomplished. And for the women, if you don’t yet have the level of support I’m talking about, I hope that you go find it. If not in your spouse, then get help through a friend or a neighbor or a colleague or a nanny or whatever you need. None of us can do any of this alone! No one is a self made man or woman.
Finding partners on your journey is absolutely critical to your success!
My hope is to empower and lift up a whole generation of women to step into their power, to say “Yes I CAN achieve my goals and dreams and ask “Why Not Me?” instead of “Who Am I?”
Let’s stop holding ourselves back and let’s get the help and support we need to keep moving forward, to pick us up when we fall, to encourage us on our journey. Never settle!
Cheers to your new company, your book, your family, your partner and your future! 🔥❤️
Three ways I can help:
1. If you’re in the Twin Cities metro area, I host a monthly networking happy hour for Powerhouse Women. This is a group for trailblazer, powerhouse women who are raising the bar, seeking their next level, and building their communities. Reach out if you’re interested in learning more. Click here to apply:
2. Join my monthly mastermind where fellow trailblazers offer support and encouragement, make connections and introductions to others, and talk through unique challenges. Click here to Join the Waitlist!
3. Work with me 1:1. My holistic approach brings clarity, direction, and empowerment! No more sitting back while you watch others achieve what you’ve only dreamed of. No more settling!
I only work with 3-5 clients so it’s exclusive and high access.
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
Allow me to guide you through the process of tweaking your current approach and getting BIG RESULTS. Book a one-on-one discovery session with me here now! Here’s to building a life you love!
Christi Cossette, Empowered Action Coach