I love July because it’s officially summer in Minnesota which means the weather is gorgeous (most of the time haha…the weather is always changing here!), the grass and trees are lush and green, and my kiddos spend most of the day outside playing with their friends. This year we also went on our annual family vacation in June. We took the kids to Florida (again) and as usual they loved it! This year we took them to Legoland Theme Park and spent 2 days being entertained by lego sculptures, rides, and their waterpark. Then we took our kids to Kennedy Space Center which allowed my husband and I to nerd out a bit on NASA history and tour the Atlantis space shuttle. I was surprised at how much the kids loved it too! We spent the rest of the time playing in the pool at our resort and spending time with family. The kids had an absolute blast and it was such a joy and blessing to see them so happy!
There is something wonderful about seeing your kids so happy on vacation. They are so carefree and actually enjoy each other’s company! I saw so many smiles and received so many hugs. Even though they still complain all the time and they still fight there is a love and camaraderie that doesn’t happen as often at home. It makes my heart happy every year and it’s why we keep going back.
July is also the time I like to check in on my goals and do a mid year review (and possible reset if it’s needed). I am a total overachiever and I start setting my goals for next year right about now 😉. I have a planner that I use to track my goals. I review them each month and break down next steps into what I need to do each week and then daily to ensure I’m always making progress. I always use June and July to review the goals I officially set in January to confirm if they’re still working for me.
Key Steps to a Mid Year Review
- Reflect on what your top values are.
- If you’ve never done this before this is a POWERFUL practice! Values are key motivators! If you don’t know them yet I encourage you to sit down and journal about this. Write them down and get clear on what matters to you. Knowing your values allows you to know your worth and to easily make decisions based upon those values. So often I see people waffling back and forth between what they should do and often it’s because they don’t know what matters to them. If you don’t know what you value it’s easy to get distracted or pulled down a path where you shouldn’t go. DEFINE YOUR VALUES!
- For assistance here see my values list below.
- Reflect on the PAST 6 months:
- Look back over your calendar for the past 6 months.
- What have you accomplished already?
- What brought you joy and fulfillment?
- What brought you more pain than it was worth?
- Looking back at the goals you set for yourself this year, are you still on track?
- Do you even care about these goals anymore? Scrap anything that doesn’t resonate with you anymore.
- Reflect on the PRESENT:
- What’s going well? What should you continue?
- Do you need to reprioritize anything?
- Have you been sticking to what you say you care about?
- What’s not going well? Have you put on a few too many pounds? Relationships not what they should be? Still not quite where you hoped you’d be by now?
- Do you need to step up in any area(s)?
- What is the ONE thing that if you STARTED doing it would have the biggest impact on your life (your health, your work, your family, your finances, etc)?
- What is the ONE thing that if you STOPPED doing it would have the biggest impact on your life (your health, your work, your family, your finances, etc)
- Plan for the FUTURE:
- What do you want to focus on next? Reset your vision as needed.
- Re-write your goals for the remainder of the year including what you will start or stop doing.
- Pick your top 1-3 goals and break them down into smaller steps.
- What do you need to do each month to move toward your goal?
- Each week?
- What daily habits do you need to install to bring it into reality?
- Reset your vision and go GET IT!
If it’s helpful to you, below are my top values:
- Faith – My faith is my foundation. I turn to my faith no less than hourly to ensure I’m living up to all I was created to be and actively working toward becoming the best version of myself.
- Family – My husband and children will always be the most important part of my life. I will never do anything that doesn’t support them in the long term and ensure we can be together as a family unit. For example, although unpopular I limit work travel and set clear boundaries with my schedule to ensure I can be home for dinner and bedtime most nights.
- Freedom – I want the independence to work from anywhere, and the control over my schedule so I can do things that matter to me like having regular date nights with my husband and stepping away from my desk early if needed to get to my son’s soccer game, an appointment, etc.
- Honesty – I am honest about what’s working and not working. I always tell the truth.
- Integrity – I do what I say I will do.
- Excellence – Everything I do will be done with excellence! If I can’t do it with excellence it’s not worth doing.
What are your top values?
I would love to hear from you on this topic! Email me what your values are and why they matter to you. Get clear on what you truly want. Then set some goals to create a path to get there!
If you’re struggling in this area I would encourage you to get my “20 Rules to Live By” checklist. It’s a great guide to help you focus on what matters most! Get it here: https://christicossette.com/20rules/
I’d also love to hear about what goals you are working toward! Did the mid-year reset questions resonate with you? Anything you are going to start or change?
Three ways I can help:
1. If you’re in the Twin Cities metro area, I host a monthly networking happy hour for Executive Level Powerhouse Women. This is a group for trailblazer, powerhouse women who are raising the bar, seeking their next level, and building their communities. Reach out if you’re interested in learning more. Click here to apply:
2. Join my monthly mastermind where fellow trailblazers offer support and encouragement, make connections and introductions to others, and talk through unique challenges. Click here to Join the Waitlist!
3. Work with me 1:1. My holistic approach brings clarity, direction, and empowerment! No more sitting back while you watch others achieve what you’ve only dreamed of. No more settling!
I only work with 3-5 clients so it’s exclusive and high access.
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
Allow me to guide you through the process of tweaking your current approach and getting BIG RESULTS. Book a one-on-one discovery session with me here now! Here’s to building a life you love!
Christi Cossette, Empowered Action Coach